“A 2002 U.S. Geological Survey of wildlife in the Arctic Refuge Coastal Plain noted that the polar bear populations ‘may now be near historic highs.’ So if the number of polar bears does not appear to be in decline, why are we considering listing the species as threatened? Because the ESA is broken and this proposal is indicative of what is wrong with it,” Senator Inhofe said. “In the proposal, the Fish and Wildlife Service acknowledges that for seven of the 19 worldwide polar bear populations, the Service has no population trend data of any kind,” he added.
“The [ESA] law also allows for the Fish and Wildlife Service to justify its proposal on a sample from a single population in Western Hudson Bay in Canada, where bear populations have decreased by 259 polar bears in the last 17 years. Yet hunting was allowed during that entire period in the Western Hudson Bay population. In fact, according to the latest figures collected by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, 234 bears have been killed in the last 5 years alone. How many more were killed in the previous 12 years and what overall affect did this have on population numbers?” Senator Inhofe said.
“Ironically, the Canadian government is right now considering a proposal to increase the quota on the harvesting of polar bears in the Western Hudson Bay population. This would allow more hunting of the population whose condition is so dire that the Service based its listing decision on it. While I support hunting as a general matter, we need to fully understand its impact on the polar bear populations before we blame global warming for changes in bear populations.
“The Fish and Wildlife Service asserts that the reason for the decline in the Western Hudson Bay population is climate-change-induced ice melting. To make that assertion, they rely on hypothetical climate change computer models showing massive loss of ice that irreparably damages the polar bear’s habitat. The Service then extrapolates that reasoning to the other 18 populations of polar bears, making the assumption that all bears in these populations will eventually decline and go extinct. Again, this conclusion is not based on field data but on hypothetical modeling and that is considered perfectly acceptable ‘scientific evidence’ under the ESA.
“I do not believe our federal conservation policy should be dictated by hypothetical computer projections because the stakes of a listing decision under ESA can be extremely high. The listing of the polar bear is no exception.”
The photograph you use is perfectly beautiful.
We seem to live in hysterical times. They have been coming for a couple of decades, with rationality in gradual retreat. Climate has been an excuse for mob frenzy.
Ironic that many of the furious are also those who who are basically anti-science, so now we have the Church of Global Warming, complete with heresy hunts.
Keep up the good work.
That is a VERY sad picture!! But that polar bear is beautiful! I feel for the animals and I wish that there was some way to make sure that everyone could live! Thank you for supporting this cause! Animals feel just like humans and they deserve a second chance! That is why we need to start becoming more resourceful and aware of what we are doing! Thank you!
Why would people want to hunt these creatures. Maybe you can giv a few reasons why they are hunted. I also feel like you should write a little more on global warming effecting the polar bears. I see that you gave a quick summery of it, but I think you should find more about it. Also I know that polar ears are having trouble the amount of fish left in the ocean. maybe you could write a little on that to. But besides that, i Thought it is a great blog and you should keep writing.
A person, who decides to hunt animals like these, has the mind of a peanut, for the reason of when they are extinct many other animals will die off leaving us starving without the animals. The other reason they are dying off is becasue of Global Warming. Do something. We don't have much time before we are gone.
Look at this picture, can you honestly tell anyone, that you want this too keep happening. It will move from the arctic and come to U.S. With the becoming gone in fire or ice. Make descions. All are needed. Stand up and let this voice be heard. Look at these poor polar bears. They never did anything to us!
I just watched a commercial during one of my favorite shows showing a mother bear and her cub floating on ice. We the viewer were informed that the ice caps are melting and the Polar bears are unable to find food. They may become completely extinct in our childrens lifetime. Then the 1-888 number prompted the folks at home to call up and donate to some wildlife fund to save the species. I was so upset that I called the number and went on a tirade. I am still upset.
Global Warming is another way for the leftists to control our lives...They would be able to dictate what kind of heat/cooling and temperatures we can use, rationed fuel, what lightbulbs we use..They are into big govt. and control! Hump back whales are still not off the endangered species list even though they have proliferated and are not becoming extinct...Truth? I don't think so..Sick of being lied to....It's scary when people who are relatively uninformed start jumping on the GREENIE BANDWAGON that dumb bell Al Gore started..He didn't have a job, so (unbelievable) he gets on the global warming band wagon and gets the Nobel Peace Prize...What a joke...Meanwhile how many homes does he have over 10,000 sq. ft inside, oh..they changed the lite bulbs....and his private jet? I'm leaving my giant carbon footprint when I kick off! js in Fl. BOTTOM LINE: CONTROL THOSE STUPID AMERICANS...
Global Warming is real issue. The focus of environmentalists, or the ones that do not overreact, is about whether or not humans are affecting or speeding it up. Which is quite possibly, but no one can really be sure, it is all hypotheses and predictions.
Al Gore is just a dimwit, although he did bring some things to light, his approach was less than desirable.
The idea is to be conscious of what you are doing with/to the environment. Nature will cure itself but if we keep on wasting and polluting (Americans are big wasters) we will only end up hurting our own (humans).
Plus alot of things that are eco friendly actually end up saving you money and making you more healthy. Go figure, just seems like common sense to me.
I love all of these global warming nutjobs that didn't bother to actually read this post. I can tell they did not read it because they still think global warming is killing the polar bears, when in fact the senator from Ok gives the FACTS and proves global warming has NO effects on the bears at all.
Also, i am a hunter and would love to have a polar bear rug in my house. I believe to truly appreciate Gods beautiful creatures you need to get up close and personal. as well as experience every part of them, i.e. meat, fur etc. This is something that the "environmentalists" will never understand. Hunters are the REAL environmentalists!
There hasn't been an increase in temperature in the last 10 years and the globe has been cooling for the last six. While I support a clean environment and development of new energy sources, I believe the misuse of data and outright lying that's being used to support the myth is criminal. Al Gore belongs in jail. John in VA, USA
Check out this article:
thats so sad =[
Awwwe :( i feel so bad for these guys and yet they do nothing to us thats why I'm doing my speech on them :) hope the world can change this some day soon
no i love polar beat i dont wont them to go some one help save the polar bears
Oh my gosh!!!!!!
That much ice is melting?
I really feel so srry for the polar
But at least there is ice.
I posted before on this site. Maybe my post got misconstrued the wrong way but Global Warming and Global Cooling has been going on for billions of years and humans have only been, in our present state, on earth for thousands of years. Also, the polars bears habit is exactly what is shown in the various pictures posted by climate change pundits, they live on ice and hunt/travel on broken ice for fish and whatnot. So relax and read some scientific articles for a change instead of following crap ideas. Also, Carbon Credits don't do a damn thing for the environment but just get people rich. If people really want to go crazy how about you go worry about farming practices in the USA, our food sources and their quality and their affect on the environment. Also, go watch The Cove. The dolphins and whales maybe need alot more attention than Polar Bears should ever get (even though they are beautiful animals).
This is insane. There is nothing wrong with this picture. The bear is not in distress at all. It is an awesome picture. The bear is acting completely normal in a completely normal polar bear habitat. OMG come on!
Greetings Jonathan Lowe and readers!
I think every single topic related to polar bears is very concerning, indeed, I have been looking for some information in order to find out by myself how mach damage have we done to nature.
a tagged mother swam 432 miles straight, her 10 month o,d cub drowned, and some clown will say this is normal.
If humans did not exist animals would naturally die and/or go extinct. It is part of natural life cycles and evolutionary theory. Beacause we perceive some animals to be more precious or less of a nuisance, we pay more attention, this is asinine. We need to equally focus on our own human needs while protecting, preserving and appreciating the diverse life on Earth.
Humans are not going away anytime soon and the biggest impact humans have on the environment is overpopulation (which leads to pollution, deforestation, etc...).
We should enjoy the fact that some animals are still alive on this Earth. It is impossible to protect all endangered species on this planet if the human population continues to grow. I'm pretty sure no one is suggesting we rid the earth of humans anytime soon. So do what you can within your own means to protect, preserve and appreciate the diverse life on earth. Lead by example and other will follow.
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